Edukasi Bantuan Hidup Dasar di Masa Pandemik Covid 19 pada Masyarakat Awam
Basic life support, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Covid 19Abstract
Emergencies such as accidents and disasters require ordinary people who find victims to immediately assist. Helping victims at the scene is very important to save victims. Ordinary people were the first to discover that if they did not know how to help in providing basic life support for respiratory and cardiac arrest, the victim would be fatal and even die within minutes. One way that can be done is by providing education about basic life support during the COVID-19 pandemic for the general public. The purpose of this activity is that the general public knows in providing basic life support during the covid 19 pandemic. The target and outcome achieved are that partners have increased knowledge about basic life support during the covid 19 pandemic. The method used is interactive lectures and online questions and answers using a platform zoom and also viewing basic life support simulation educational videos. The participants of the activity were teachers and students of Hang Tuah High School Surabaya. Evaluation of activities is carried out by asking participants again about the material that has been delivered by the presenters. The results of the activity, partners were very enthusiastic in participating in this activity and many questions from the presenters could be answered correctly. In conclusion, increasing knowledge about basic life support during the COVID-19 pandemic in the general public
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