Sosialisasi Gerakan Superbar untuk Mewujudkan Rumah Bebas Asap Rokok Di Rt.06/Rw.01 Kelurahan Kereng Bangkirai
Superbar, Smoking, Cigarette smoke, Stunting, KnowledgeAbstract
Currently, smoking behavior inside the house is still a controversial issue in society. The smoking behavior of parents is closely related to the increased risk of stunting and malnutrition in children. Knowledge is one of the factors that influence the smoking behavior of parents at home. As an effort to change smoking behavior at home, community service in the form of SuPerBAR movement socialization was carried out in the RT.06/RW.01 area of Kereng Bangkirai Village. From this community service, it was found that 92.8% or 65 heads of households were active smokers in the RT.06/RW.01 area of Kereng Bangkirai Village. The result of this community service was an increase in the knowledge of the heads of households after being given health promotion about the dangers of cigarette smoke for active and passive smokers, with an average pre-test score of 58% and an average post-test score of 89%.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dinda Anindita Salsabilla , Yana Afrina, Martha Pitriana , Mayna Maria Rosalina

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Journal of Community Engagement in Health and Nursing by Christina Yuliastuti is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International